Friday, October 13, 2017

whatsapp 9867739336 or contact at for a paid consultation.

My fees are Rs 10000.00 for outstation clients and Rs 1500 for resident clients per horoscope reading (only for one aspect or problem or area of life) and Rs 1000.00 per prashna (if birth details are not available). Payment to be made in advance. pay by Gpay at 9867739336.
No life reading please

please ask for appointments by whatsapp only with proof of payment. No calls please. calls may go unanswered.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Narendra Modi, will he become PM in 2014?

I just did a prashna. Attached the chart details

Lagna Cancer. Lord Moon is with retro Mars in 3rd house. Not a good indication. 10th house has exalted Sun. Extremely good, but afflicted by Ketu, Rahu, and Retro Sat. Does it shows delay in coronation or denial due to affliction. Seems lot of activities will be there to stall his coronation. 6th lord Jup in 12th. Does it shows defeat in election? Cannot be believed. Guru's blessings may come in many ways, even from 12th house. Badhakesh Ven is exaulted in 9th. Any woman will be against him? In any way, it seem not a cakewalk for Modi.

Compressed dasa for the prashna is also not very conducive. Unless Rahu (7th lord) dasa blesses him.

Let us watch what reveals in next few days.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Devi Durga. I am blessed to publish this today in Durga Navami (Ram Navami also)

Many years back once I was searching books in Collage Street of Calcutta-which is a treasure house of old books. I suddenly stumbled upon a book written in bengali which explained the various Chandi Shloka (Goddess Durga in her fighting form killing demon Mahisasura), a spiritual scripture. It was so fascinating and changed my idea completely about forms of deities and later as I read more works of Swami Chinmayanandaji and Swami Dayananda Saraswati-I was gradually convinced that Hinduism is more a absolute philosophy of life and universe rather than a "religion". In Hindu deities, ultimate power or the shakti behind evrything is worshipped as female. I shall try to convey my little knowledge that I have received from various sources about the form of Godess Durga.
There are great philosophies behind each Hindu deity. The concept is
whole to part. In Geeta Srikrishna tells “I am immovable like mountain”. Many western scholar have misinterpreted the shloka but the concept is – as we cannot move from one part of our body to other part (because we are everywhere in our body), in the same manner Almighty cannot move because He is everywhere. We are part of it just like our houses are part of the space (break the walls and roof-we are standing in the space). Likewise all the powers-good or bad are universal, whatever good or bad we see around us is only a part of that universal power. Our power to see, our power to hear, our power to understand, our anger, our greed everything is part of those universal power. (This concept has been elaborately dealt with in Mandyukya Upanishad)
These powers each have been assigned a Devata (Deva means to illuminate and Devata means who illuminates) and each evil powers like anger, greed etc. are assigned as Asura. Our Puranas tell very deep philosophy in the form of simple story so that common human being can understand.

Form of Godess Durga – which is worshipped is having 10 hands with various weapons, riding on a lion and killing Mahisasura, the king of Asura. She is flanked by Kartikeya-the chief warrior of Devatas, Saraswati-the godess of learning, Lakshmi-the Godess of wealth and Ganapati-the siddhidata. All are said to be her children.

Story about Godess Durga briefly goes like this. Mahisasura captured heaven and defeated Indra, king of Devatas and other Devatas repeatedly. All Devatas went to Bramha, Vishnu and Shiva who are creator of the universe, sustainer of the universe and destroyer of the universe respectively. They advised Davatas to go to Himalaya to request Parvati, daughter of the king Himalaya to save them. When approached, hearing about the distress of the davatas Parvati became furious. She took a terrible form of Durga. All Devatas gave their respective weapons to her. King Himalaya, her father gave her lion to ride. Thus Durga asked Mahisasura to fight with her. First Mahisasura sent his generals-but all were killed by Durga. Then Mahisasura came to fight and during the fight he started taking various forms to dupe the Godess. But the Godess ultimately killed him.

A very deep philosophy has been described here about the process through which a sadhaka goes during his last stage of sadhana (meditation). Actually Mahisasura is the condition of the sadhaka at a very high stage. With our conscious actions it is not possible for anybody to get rid of the bad powers like anger, greed etc. A sadhaka can perform great tapasya and attain powers but he cannot get rid of his I-sense (sense that it is my body, my name etc.) and other related gunas. This I-sense is Mahisasura and his generals are anger, greed, lust etc. Even at very higher stage of realisation all these are present in a sadhaka (tapasyi) in a very subtle form. He gets worried when he realises that these senses (asuras) still try to defeat his higher intelligence (asuras capture heaven, here higher intelligence is Indra-the king of Devatas). Sadhaka sees that he cannot overcome the power of his senses (at subtle stage it is not possible to get rid of earthly senses with own effort), he prays to Godess Durga. Another name of Durga is Shruti (meaning-which has been memorized by hearing). Earlier days there was no book or instrument for writing. All philosophies and scriptures were tranfered from guru to his disciples through words and disciples used to memorize the verses. So these knowledge is the Godess herself. As these knowledge were received by the sages through meditation (sadhana) in the himalaya, She is also called daughter of himalaya. When the sadhaka surrenders to the knowledge leaving all his weapons to fight (all indriyas handover their weapons to the Godess), the Godess-riding on the Lion (symbolic to the dharma i.e religion, king who is capable of controling the animal senses within us) removes the I-sense (kills Mahisasura) along with its other generals. At the last stage also the I-sense try to reside inside taking various shapes (Mahisasura takes various shapes to dupe the Godess). The sadhaka thus gets moksha.

Ganapati, Kartikeya, Saraswati and Lakshmi are Her children. Because She is everywhere, the ultimate truth, the nature in this universe. She fights as Kartikeya, She gives sidhhi as Ganapati, She is Saraswati - the knowledge of creation in Brahma (Saraswati is called wife of Brahma-the creator. Without knowledge no creation is possible) and She herself is Lakshmi transfering her power to Vishnu for sustainance of this universe (without finance no sustainance is possible-so Lakshmi is described as wife of Vishnu).

Acharya Karunamaya Saraswati

My father's Guru Acharya Karunamaya Saraswati, a tantrik siddha and Guruma. After such a long time I got this photo and uploading it. I have seen many miracles in his presence and understood what is mantra shakti. I was really lucky to get a channce to be at his feet. He had no ashram or matha, never accepted money from anybody with bad intentions. Unlike present day saints, he was completely against any type of publicity. That is why not many people knew about him. But the book "fifty one saints of india" by Bimal Kumar Banerjee had a narration of the life. Probably the book is now out of print and not available.

Earlier he was in Dhaka (presently in Bangadesh) and shifted to Kolkata after partition. His then close diciples used to narrate many miracle stories about him, while in Dhaka - which were difficult to believe with our limited sense. I have seen a huge library at his house, containing original vedas, shashtras, upanishads and what not. He used to remembers evetrything of every book including page numbers a line numbers. Such was the power of his memory. I heard that He was president of Kumbhamala while he was only 20 years old. It is said that Swami Vivekanda also had this power. It was also said that he was the Guru of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

I still remember, when I was very young -went to Tarapith (one of the main tantrik pithastahan near Rampurhath of West Bengal, graced by the presence of sadhak Bamakhsepa) with my parents. The head priest of Tarapith was knowing about him. Those who know about Tarapith also know that the main stone idol of Ma Tara is hidden from public and covered by a mask and cloths. Ma Tara of Tarapith which is for public view is like this as shown in the photo. But when the head priest heard that my father was initiated by Acharya Karunamaya Saraswati, he immediately closed the temple door, took us inside, removed all covers over the main idol and asked us to perform puja of the same.

Acharya Karunamaya Saraswati left for his heavenly abode in 1977.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rashi Basics

1.Aries – Mesha
Place indicated by this Rasi : The places, where
goats roam around and hills.
Short/medium/long : Short
Day or Night strong : Strong during night
Rising of Rasi : Prishtodaya or rises with its back
Watery/Dry Rasi : Dry
Foot or padha : Quadruped sign.
Class or Varna : Royal or Kshatriya
Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Mineral or Dhatu
Body part : Head
Color : Blood red

Dynamic, enterprising, valiant, ruddy, forests,
large forehead, hasty, impulsive, restless, thick
eyebrows, leadership, overbearing, dry lean, tall.

2.Taurus - Rishaba
Place indicated by this Rasi : The table land, farms,
the cow station and the forest.
Short/medium/long : Short
Day or Night strong : Strong during night
Rising of Rasi : Prishtodaya or rises with its back
Watery/Dry Rasi : Water resorter
Foot or padha : Quadruped sign.
Class or Varna : Vaishya or Businessmen
Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Vegetables or Moola
Body part : Face/mouth
Color : White

Beautiful, stable, sluggish, loyal, meadows, plains,
luxury halls, dining halls, eating places, fine teeth,
large eyes, luxurious, faithful, thick hair, stout.

3.Gemini - Mithuna
Place indicated by this Rasi : The gambling house and
pleasure haunts such as park or Garden.
Short/medium/long : Medium
Day or Night strong : Strong during night
Rising of Rasi : Shrishtodaya or rises with its head
Watery/Dry Rasi : Water reorter
Foot or padha : Biped sign.
Class or Varna : Sudra or worker
Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Animals
Body part : Arms/Chest
Color : Grass green

Garden, communication, journalism, schools, colleges,
study rooms, cables, telephone, newspapers, tall,
well-built, prominent cheeks, thick hair, broad chest,
curious, learned, jovial.

4.Cancer - Karkataka
Place indicated by this Rasi : A lake or pond or a
sand-bank in the midst of water.
Short/medium/long : Medium
Day or Night strong : Strong during night
Rising of Rasi : Prishtodaya or rises with its back
Watery/Dry Rasi : Watery
Foot or padha : Centipede sign.
Class or Varna : Brahmin or Wise
Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Mineral or Dhatu
Body part : Heart
Color : Pink

Breast, watery fields, rivers, canals, kitchen, food,
attractive small build, emotional, deeply attached,
mother-like, sensitive

5.Leo - Simha
Place indicated by this Rasi : Deep mountain-caves
and dense forests.
Short/medium/long : Long
Day or Night strong : Strong during Day
Rising of Rasi : Seershodaya or rises with its head
Watery/Dry Rasi : Dry
Foot or padha : Quadruped sign.
Class or Varna : Royal or Kshatriya
Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Vegetables or Moola
Body part : Stomach
Color : Off white, khaki

Digestion, navel, mountains, forests, caves, deserts,
palaces, parks, forts, boilers, steel factories,
thin, dry, hot, royal, self-pride, insolent, domineering.

6.Virgo - Kanya
Place indicated by this Rasi : A pasture-land or the
pleasure room of a women.
Short/medium/long : Long
Day or Night strong : Strong during day
Rising of Rasi : Seershodaya or rises with its head
Watery/Dry Rasi : Water resorter
Foot or padha : Biped sign.
Class or Varna : Vaishya or Businessmen
Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Animal or Jeeva
Body part : Hip
Color : Gray

Appendix, lush gardens, fields, orchards, libraries,
bookstores, farms, intelligent, sharp, orator,
ervous, physically weak, discretion, tactfulness.

7.Libra - Thula
Place indicated by this Rasi : The bazaar of a city
abounding in all kinds of valuable things.
Short/medium/long : Long
Day or Night strong : Strong during day
Rising of Rasi : Seershodaya or rises with its head
Watery/Dry Rasi : Dry
Foot or padha : Biped sign.
Class or Varna : Sudra or worker
Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Mineral or Dhatu
Body part : Groin
Color : Black

Businessmen, markets, trade centers, banks, hotels,
amusement parks, entertainment, toilets, cosmetics,
balanced, wise, good talker.

8.Scorpio - Vrischika
Symbol of this Rasi : Scorpio or Vrischika.
Place indicated by this Rasi : A region abounding
in flint, or holes or noxious reptiles.
Short/medium/long : Long
Day or Night strong : Strong during day
Rising of Rasi : Seershodaya or rises with its head
Watery/Dry Rasi : Watery
Foot or padha : Centipede
Class or Varna : Brahmin or Wise
Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Vegetables or Moola
Body part : Private parts
Color : Reddish brown(Parasara),Light yellow(Varahamihira)

Holes, deep caves, mines, garages, small build,
dusky complexion, bright eyes, secretive, scheming,
occult, best friend or a worst enemy, peevish, sensitive

9.Sagittarius – Dhanus
Place indicated by this Rasi : The camp or barrack
containing horses chariots and elephants.
Short/medium/long : Medium
Day or Night strong : Strong during night
Rising of Rasi : Prishtodaya or rises with its back
Watery/Dry Rasi : Dry
Foot or padha : Biped for 1 st 15 degrees and quadruped
for the next 15 degrees.
Class or Varna : Royal or Kshatriya
Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Animal or Jeeva
Body part : Thighs
Color : Tawny (yellowish or dullish golden brown)

Royal, attorneys, government offices, aircraft, falling,
sparse hair, muscular, deep eyes, upright, honest, genital,

10.Capricorn - Makara
Place indicated by this Rasi : The river or other
water-abounding region, like paradise where, deer and
crocodile lives.
Short/medium/long : Medium
Day or Night strong : Strong during night
Rising of Rasi : Prishtodaya or rises with its back
Watery/Dry Rasi : Watery
Foot or padha : Quradruped for 1 st 15 degrees and
footless for the next 15 degrees.
Class or Varna : Vaishya or Businessmen
Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Mineral or Dhatu
Body part : Knees
Color : Blue

Marshlands, watery places, alligators, beasts, bushes,
slender build, long neck, prominent teeth, witty,
perfectionist, patient, organizer, cautious, secretive, pragmatic.

11.Aquarius - Kumbha
Place indicated by this Rasi : Water-pot and the
receptacles of vessels in a house
Short/medium/long : Short
Day or Night strong : Strong during day
Rising of Rasi : Seershodaya or rises with its head
Watery/Dry Rasi : Water-resorter
Foot or padha : Biped
Class or Varna : Sudra or Worker
Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Vegetables or Moola
Body part : Calves, Ankles
Color : Deep brown

Charity, philosophy, tall, body, small eyes, mountain
spring, places with water, ill-formed teeth, coarse
hair, hard working, stoic, honest.

12.Pisces - Meena
Place indicated by this Rasi : River, sea and similar
collection of water.
Short/medium/long : Medium as per Jataka Parijata and
Short as per Saravali.
Day or Night strong : Strong during day
Rising of Rasi : Seershodaya and Prishtodaya or rises
with both head and back
Watery/Dry Rasi : Watery
Foot or padha : Footless
Class or Varna : Brahmin or Wise
Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Animal or Jeeva
Body part : Feet
Color : Transparent

Oceans, seas, prisons, hospitals, hermitages, short,
plump, large eyes, large eyebrows, lazy, emotional,
timid, honest, irresolute, talkative, intuitive.

Mandyukya upanishad-Extract from my paper "Science of Mantra" presented in Puri Conference

Our gross body experiences the following states daily,

1. Awaken state ruled by Vaiswanara
2. Light sleep or dreaming state ruled by Taijasa
3. Deep sleep or no identity state ruled by Pragna

AUM is the pranava mantra (seed of all mantras and the basis of creation). Here `A’ represents the waking state – where all causes and effects are experienced, `U’ represents the dreaming state - where also all causes and effects are experienced and `M’ represents the deep sleep state - where only causes are experienced.

There is a fourth state beyond this called `turiya’ or deep meditative state, which is not automatic but can be attained only by conscious practice. With constant repetition of `AUM’ this state is transcedented. In this stage neither causes nor effects are experienced. However this is out of the scope of our present article.

Mandyukya Upanishad tells that during awaken state we are under the influence of the Devata Vaishwanara. He has 7 limbs and 19 mouths.

This is to be understood clearly – as this is closely connected to the concept of karma cycle. Seven limbs are as follows,

1. Prithvi tatwa is His base or feet
2. Jala tatwa is His kidney
3. Agni tatwa is His mouth
4. Vayu tatwa is His vital air
5. Akash tatwa is the middle part of His body - all pervasive.
6. Sun is His eye
7. Universal mind is His head.

19 mouths are our 19 indriyas. They are
1. 5 indriyas of knowledge through which we gather information
a. Eye – sight (agni tatwa)
b. Ear – sound (akash tatwa)
c. Nostril – smell (prithvi tatwa)
d. Tongue – taste (Jala tatwa)
e. Skin – touch (vayu tatwa)
2. 5 indriyas of action through which we perform
a. Hands (Jala tatwa)
b. Legs (prithvi tatwa)
c. Mouth i.e vocal cord for speech (akash tatwa)
d. Generative organ (vayu tatwa)
e. Waste disposal organs (vayu tatwa)
3. 5 Pranas (vital energy or life force), these works without our any conscious effort
a. Prana – perceiving sense
b. Apana – Throwing out waste and ejecting seed
c. Vayana – for digestive efficiency
d. Samana – for distribution of assimilated food throughout body
e. Udana – it is the energy with which soul leaves the body with mind and intellect
4. Mind (manas or conscious mind)
5. Intellect (budhhi)
6. Ego (I feeling, the aham)
7. Chitta (real self or subconscious / super conscious mind)

Thus Mandyukya upanishad narrates about the cosmic purusha and all these 7 limbs and 19 indriyas are present in individual bodies also – in other words all our limbs and indriyas are part of the limbs and indriyas of the all pervading cosmic purusha Vaishwanara. All our experiences in this material world are actually experienced by Vaiswanara only. He is conditioned by all gross objects i.e all causes and all effects created by the causes.